Friday, December 9, 2011

Assessment Report

Adapted Physical Education Assessment

Results Report

Name:  Thomas
Program:  Skill Builders
Date of Birth:  2007,17, December
Age:    3 Years
Test Date:  November 29, 2011
Examiner: Amanda Griffin 

Thomas is a 3 year old full of energy who loves to explore everything in the gymnasium and communicates with short phrases. Thomas enjoys physical education but has difficulties when given too many directions or isn’t shown how to do something beforehand. He enjoys making a lot of noise as well as loud noises and may say “no” sometimes when asked to perform certain tasks. He is an average size for his age and is a very happy child who loves to run around and loves cars. Thomas likes to be rewarded by receiving high fives throughout class as well as receiving a sticker and a picture at the end of each class.   

Thomas Murphy was assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development -2 (TGMD-2) on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 between the times of 6 and 7pm.

The outcomes of his assessment are as follows :

Assessment tool:  TGMD-2

TGMD 2 Loco-motor Subtest                                                                                 Score/Possible Score

a.       Run- Thomas demonstrated running at the initial stage of development.                             3/8

He was able to have a brief period where both feet were off the ground,

but he had a wide base of support and ran flat footed a majority of the time.      

            b. Horizontal jump- Thomas demonstrated an initial level of development                             4/8

                while performing a horizontal jump. He was able to prepare for a proper

                jump by flexing both his knees and arm. He did take off and land on both

                of his feet a majority of the time, especially when reminded. 

            c. Gallop- Thomas demonstrated a very initial level of galloping. He was not able                 08

                to perform the skill facing forward; he would turn his body toward the side.

               His back leg had a tendency to not remain behind his lead leg. 

            d. Hop- When hoping Thomas was not able to continually jump on the same leg.                  0/10

                Even when performing one hop, he would start on one leg but land on two.

                He didn’t use his arms to help balance him or for force. 

            e. Slide- Thomas was able to perform the slide with his lower body turned to the side,           2/8

                but he would cross his feet and turn his upper body forward. 

            f. Leap- Thomas was able to perform the leap at a very initial level, which included  1/6

                him having a very brief period where both feet are off the ground. He wasn’t able

                to take off on one foot and land on the other; he had a tendency to land on the

                same foot he took of with.     


                                                                                    Subtest Total Score:   10/48  

TGMD-2 Object Control Subtest

a.       Catch-  Thomas demonstrated most of the aspects a proper catch, but still had           4/6

an initial level. He was able to prepare for an object by placing both of his hands

in front of him and extend his arm to reach for the object. He was unable to catch

the ball with only his hands though.                           

b.   Kick- Thomas demonstrated a portion of the skills involved in kicking and did show        3/8

      imporvements with each trial. He was able to have a rapid and continuous

      approach to the ball and eventually worked toward having a stride before

      contact. However, he kicks the ball with his toe. 

c. Overhand throw- Thomas demonstrated a very initial level of throwing. He threw           3/8

using mainly his elbow and did not throw over hand. However, he was able to

follow through with each throw.  

f.  Underhand roll- Thomas demonstrated half of the skills for an underhand roll, which          4/8

    included bending his knees to get close to the ground and releasing the ball close

    to the ground. He did not use a full body motion and swing his arms back and he

    also used both hands instead of just one.

                                                                                                Subtest Total Score:   14/30                                                                          

                                                                                                TGMD 2 Total Score:            24/78

Suggested Recommendations: Based upon the results of the assessment (24/78) (TGMD-2) it is suggested that Thomas’s work on the following activities across these domains:

  • Cognitive:  Thomas will be able to recognize at least 5 different colors when using objects in each activity.
  • Affective:  Thomas will be able to complete at least 4 out of the 6 tasks without saying “no” and disrupting other lessons when in class.
  • Psychomotor:  Thomas will be able to jump off a gymnastics mat at least 5 out of 10 times when asked by the teacher.
  • Fitness:  Thomas will be able to run and participate in physical activity continuously for 5 minutes.

Observation Reflections

Reflection #1

What happened during the lesson that excited or concerned you? What did you learn from your observation and experience?

            Today was my first day of observations at Parker Elementary and I worked with second graders. The lesson in which I saw today was very well structured and had a lot of classroom management. As the students came in they knew to automatically look at the board for their warm up activity. It consisted of running two laps and performing 5 sit ups with a partner. From here students sat on their designated spot and waited for the instant activity (tag game) and the directions for the class lesson. Today, they were “going to the zoo”. This was a very creative way to incorporate both cognitive skills for the classroom and psychomotor skills for physical education. I really like the way Mr. Kline managed the class outside by having the students divided in to two teams and having to line up behind Jon or myself. I learned from this experience that having the students in to a specific routine for every day really does help with the time management and organization at this level.
Reflection #2

Are you aware of any students with special needs? How are they helped to learn?
            Today was my second day of observations and again I worked with a second grade class, but a different group of students. This class has a student has autism, but he is still able to participate in every activity as does every other student. Although, he does have a teacher who stays with him in the gymnasium to make sure he stays on task and doesn’t cause distractions. In this first class with the students being divided in to two separate teams he needed to be reminded of where he was supposed to be. This however, is not a situation in which he is at a totally different developmental level then the rest of the class and is still able to be on the same level or better than all of his classmates.
Reflection #3

What did you learn about these students in all three domains? Psychomotor-what can they do? Cognitive-what do they know? Affective-how do they behave?
            Today’s lesson was focused on parachute activities and I led the instant activity of turtle tag. During this call I was able to obtain a brief understanding of what these students know. In the psychomotor domain a majority of the students are able to perform an elementary level slide, skip, gallop, and run from what I have observed thus far. Cognitive domain is also very obvious and many of the students are able to come up with knowledgeable solutions for team tasks as well as use their classroom knowledge in activities. When students are asked to perform specific motor skills almost all students can perform the skill without a demonstration, which shows they have a clear understanding of what each one involves. Affectively the class works well as a whole for the most part, but there are a few groups of students who will try to mess around with other students or do things they weren’t asked to. Overall, I feel the students perform well in all three domains.
Reflection #4

Management and effective teaching go hand in hand. Comment on management strategies used by your master teacher and yourself with this age group.
            Working with second graders has the potential to be very chaotic if not organized and managed properly. Mr. Kline, however, does an extremely good job of making sure everyone knows exactly what to do as they enter the gymnasium. He has a board with both the lesson objective and the warm up posted on it. This allows the students to immediately begin an activity then sit down in their assigned spot. This is a good strategy so that student can get that initial excitement of being at physical education out. Mr. Kline also has it clearly known to the students that if he has to talk to them more than once about the same thing they will be asked to sit on the side for  a few minutes and he will also be talking to them about what they did and why. This kind of class management and structure works well to keep everyone on the same page and allows no reason for student to say I didn’t know what to do.
Reflection #5

What did you learn in the classroom?
            Being a second grade classroom is a completely different feeling and setting that being in a gymnasium with second graders. The students know that as soon as they leave the gymnasium there level of energy and excitement has to go back down to an inside level for the classroom. The classroom is has a high level of classroom management and structure as well; all of the students know the daily routine. I did not see as much interaction between students in the classroom; as in annoying another student as I see in the gymnasium a lot. I feel this occurred because the students knew that the classroom teacher wasn’t going to deal with any nonsense of that sort and would just immediately make the students separate themselves. Overall, I learned that the classroom is a setting in which the students have different guidelines and expectations than when in physical education.
Reflection # 6

How does the curriculum as you see it fit with New York State Standards 1,2,3?
            Today’s lesson focused on several different exer-games that initiated the students fitness in a way that is enjoyable to all the students. This here shows that the curriculum fits the New York State Standards because this involves fitness, safe and healthy environment, and resources. The fitness was seen in the activities they were playing such as dance, soccer, and a water rafting game. The safe and healthy environment is seen with the type of equipment being used and the fact that all the students have to work together and help each other out in all the activities. Standard 3 is covered because it is explained to the students how these activities are fun and good for them; plus they can all be practiced outside of school and with all age groups. This unit depicts all three standards very well, but at Parker Elementary all of the units relate to the New York State Standards.

 Reflection # 7

What evidence do you see of the students’ abilities to perform the skill themes in the areas of locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills?
            For today’s lesson, the instant activity was taught by Jon and during his tag game he had the students use different locomotor patterns to move around. It was clear that the students knew what he was asking them to do, but many of the students had elementary level skills when performing them. For non-locomotor skills many of the students demonstrated very poor balance during the instant activity when we asked them to hop. During the parachute activities we saw students having to bend and touch their toes and then lift the parachute up, the task of bending and standing quickly was not fluent for some of the students which show that they are still at the elementary stage. For manipulative skills, there is a wide array of levels in the class. The activities today focused on the parachute and many of the students were able to perform the manipulative skill of moving the parachute very well and for an extended amount of time; while other students struggled and became tire very quickly.
Reflection #8

How does your Master Teacher assess student learning? How could you assess student learning?
            Assessing for Mr. Kline is done in several different forms throughout each unit. The one thing he does do at the end of every class is a cognitive assessment by verbally asking questions pertaining to the lesson of the day. This is a time where he will also talk about transfer of knowledge from one skill to another. For psychomotor assessment he uses a checklist and only puts a check next to the things the students to perform correctly. His affective assessment is done when explaining an activity and him asking students if they need to work as a team and telling them what will work best for each activity. This allows him to know that the students have and understanding of how they are supposed to act and participate.
 I could assess student learning by having students work with a partner or in small groups and have them score each other on how well they perform and activity. I would also do my own psychomotor assessment with something of this nature because students are not always faithful in tasks like this. For affective I feel that having students explain something they did well in class or didn’t do well is the best way for students to understand their affective behavior. I would cognitively assess with an outside assignment or an in class quiz that is short and on the unit being taught.
Reflection #9

What tips can you glean from your teacher with regard to communication with colleagues, parents, and administrators?
            Mr. Kline is a teacher who is always communicating with other people including faculty, parents, and administrators. The big thing I learned from him is that every day at the end of his class when the classroom teacher came to pick up the students he would discuss the class. He would inform the teacher of who did very well and who acted up or didn’t participate. He would also communicate with the parents of students if something really good happened or in a few incidences where students weren’t coming prepared for class he called home to make sure they knew when P.E days were and what the appropriate attire was. I wasn’t able to see Mr. Kline communicate with the administration, but I’ m sure he did on a regular basis. Overall, I learned a lot of good tips from him, especially on communicating with the classroom teacher about each class.
Reflection #12

What happened during the lesson that excited or concerned you? What did you learn from your observation and experience?
            During today’s class the students had a day in which they participated in several different stations that all involved some kind of video game type activity (DDR, WII, etc.). I thought this was an outstanding lesson for the children because it is something that they all love. I knew it was going to be a very productive day from the moment the students enter the gymnasium and they all became very excited. My observations of this lesson were from one of the Wii stations because I had control over the remote. It was nice to see the change in the students’ attitude and how positive they were towards the entire class. I was clearly able to observe how much more the students listened during the lesson in order to perform all the activities and have as much time as possible.
Reflection # 10

Are you aware of any students with special needs? How are they helped to learn?
            In this second grade class, I don’t know of anyone who has autism or anything of that nature as in the other class, but there is a student who resembles a student with ADHD. This student has a tendency to become off task very quickly or do something other than what is being asked of him. I have also seen him have days where he just doesn’t want to do anything and purposely acts out to get attention from the class. In order for him to be successful and learn Mr. Kline or one of us has to always be on top of what he is doing to make sure he is on task. If he is noticed doing something wrong and is explained what he should be doing; he will do the proper task. It also works a lot to demonstrate to him what he is supposed to be doing because he may not have been paying attention during the instructions.
Reflection #11

Management and effective teaching go hand in hand. Comment on management strategies used by your master teacher and yourself with this age group.
            Today was the first of two days with video game stations for the students including DDR, Wii, and XBOX. With this lesson Mr. Kline had cords and many different things set up all around the gymnasium, so when the students arrived he kept them outside to explain what he wanted for the warm up so no one was hurt. Keeping them outside and explaining the warm up was very effective management because the students didn’t know what was in the gymnasium and gave Mr. Kline their full attention.
            During this lesson, I was at my own station controlling the Wii remote for soccer heading. In order to make the students time most efficient and organized at my station I had a set pattern in which the students rotated. With second graders, I felt this prevented any arguing and fighting over who goes first and so on since everyone was so excited to participate in all the activities.
Reflection #13

What did you learn about these students in all three domains? Psychomotor- what can they do? Cognitive- what do they know? Affective- how do they feel/behave?
            Today was our day for pre assessment and the students were participating in numerous throwing stations. I was assessing all the students who came to my station, which was throwing a whiffle ball at a stack of wooden blocks. I was able to get an understanding of where all the students were in all three domains by how they threw and how they acted with their classmates. For psychomotor, there was definitely a wide array of throwing abilities, many of the did not perform at least 2 out the 4 cues each time. They demonstrated a very elementary throwing pattern. Cognitively many of the students knew which foot to step with when throwing, which was the main focus of the lesson. Affectively, the majority of the students worked with each other and gave equal opportunities, but there were a few who didn’t do as well in this domain. Overall, the class demonstrated success in all three domains.
Reflection # 14

What happened during the lesson that excited or concerned you? What did you learn from your observation and experience?
            Today we taught our first lesson on throwing, following pre assessment of throwing. I learned a lot from this experience, the number one thing being that teaching with someone else is not always easy. I felt that teaching with my partner was kind of difficult because I demonstrated more control over the class and then when he taught there wasn’t as much control which made it more difficult for me when I went to teach again. This was definitely a good learning experience because it showed me how easy it is for second graders to not pay attention and that class management is ideal. The good things that happened during the lesson were that the students really enjoyed the instant activity and clean up the backyard very much. These two activities ran very smoothly; there were also two activities that we need to fix, so that the second time around the lesson was much better. Overall, for our first full lesson I felt it went very well and definitely gave more of a real life situation.
Reflection #15

Management and effective teaching go hand in hand. Comment on management strategies used by your master teacher and yourself with this age group.
            Teaching for the second time to a different group of second graders went much better than the first time in general, but there were still some management issues. The lesson started with an instant activity that I led and then my partner taught the first activity. During his portion of the lesson the students became very rowdy and he couldn’t maintain control of the class. I had to step in and make sure all the students were listening and not talking. This happened twice during the lesson, which made it more difficult to teach certain parts. Although, this lesson was more effective I feel that class management lacked at times. The things that worked for myself though, in order to keep the children on task, were explaining exactly what I wanted before sending them to do something, not talking until I had everyone’s attention, and having a check for understanding before every activity.
Reflection # 16

How does the curriculum as you see if fit with New York State Standards 1,2, and 3?
            In today’s lesson the students had different stations that set up that were focused around the theme of Thanksgiving. Within all of the stations different standards were met. Standard 1a was seen in the warm up which involved the students running 2 laps and then performing 10 sit ups and 5 push ups. 1b was seen throughout the stations when the students how to perform tasks such as throwing, jumping, and riding scooters and bikes. Standard 2 was seen throughout the entire class when the students had to work with one another and  share items at each station to make sure everyone had equal opportunities. Standard 3 was seen in many of the stations because they can be practiced outside of the gymnasium. The station that stood out in this lesson was the one where each student had to write what they were thankful for on a large sheet of paper; this incorporated standard 3 because it used resources and allowed them to use their knowledge from outside to answer. This lesson was a very interactive day that had all the students fully involved the entire time which is a key component of the NYS standards.

Reflection # 17

What evidence do you see of the students’ abilities to perform the skill themes in the areas of locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills?
            In today’s lesson the students focused on ball control in several different ways and were challenged. This lesson showed that in the realm of locomotor skills the students were at an elementary level because many of the students could perform the skills, but not consistently or very well. Most of the locomotor patterns were seen in the tag game at the end and in a few tasks that asked the students to travel with the ball at their feet. For non-locomotor skills they demonstrated so ability to balance as they were performing certain skills with the ball. Last, their manipulative skill ability was seen when they had to throw, bounce, and catch the ball. Many of the students have difficulty with this task and couldn’t follow the ball. Overall, for their age and developmental stage they all performed well in each skill theme. 

Reflection # 18

What happened during the lesson that excited or concerned you? What did you learn from your observation and experience?
            Today, was our last day of observations and it was also a “choice” day for the students. A “choice” day is awarded to the students at the end of each marking period and is a day where the students get to choose what they want to do. I thought this was a very good idea because not only are the students being rewarded for completing a marking period, but it also gives them the opportunity to make their own decisions and explore different activities. There were several different stations set up throughout the gymnasium and students were able to choose however many stations they wanted to participate in and exactly which ones they participated in. I really like the overall idea of the lesson because it gave the students the opportunity to be leaders and have a day that was dedicated to their own choices.



Physical Education

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student’s Name: Thomas

Student's Date of Birth: December 17, 2007 Date Plan Completed: October 20, 2011

Undergraduate Teacher: Amanda Griffin      Lab Day/Time: Tuesday’s 6-7 pm      

1.       Introductory Paragraph: Thomas is a 3 year old full of energy who loves to explore everything in the gymnasium and communicates with short phrases. Thomas enjoys physical education and loves to run around and participate in numerous activities. He enjoys making a lot of noise as well as loud noises and may say “no” sometimes when asked to perform certain tasks. He is an average size for his age and is a very happy child who loves to run around and loves cars. The lab setting that Thomas participates in every week includes a gymnastics area, tunnels to crawl through, and about 8 other students and instructors. Each instructor is spread out amongst the gym with their own work station. Thomas was assessed in this lab using the TGMD2 on September 20, 2011 between 6 pm and 7 pm.

2.       Present Level of Performance:

Cognitive:  Thomas can follow directions very well and will almost always do everything I ask him to. Thomas has a tendency to feel overwhelmed with information at times. When this occurs he will more than likely not do anything. Thomas can currently repeat back to me colors after I tell him the color, but if I ask him on his own he will normally say everything is one color (green or yellow). I know he is completely capable of knowing several with reinforcement between activities and reading.

Affective:  Thomas is able to work with other students, but has a tendency to run over to other teacher’s stations and take their equipment or knock over their equipment. This is something that he has improved and doesn’t do as much during our actual lesson. He is also more likely to perform a task if there is a reward for it at the end. This can include a sticker at the end, a high five, or even telling him we have to practice to show mom and dad.

Psychomotor:  Thomas is currently able to perform both jumping and running. His jump is not always consistent because he doesn’t jump with both feet at the same time. He tends to land with a stutter step (one foot then the other). While running Thomas has a wide base of support, but can run for a very long time. He also runs flat footed right now, but does show a brief period of air time at some points.

Fitness:  Thomas is currently able to participate in the beginning of class, especially when we begin with a circle activity. He comes in and wants to run around and do everything that I have laid out for him. He also is very active at the end during the second circle activity most of the time. Although he is active, there are numerous times throughout he the lessons, more towards the end, that he will sit or lay down and refuses to do anything because he is tired.

3.       Long Term Goals and Short Term Objectives:

A. Cognitive Goal: By December, Thomas will be able to recognize at least 3 different colors when using objects in each activity.

            1. Short term objective: By November 8, Thomas will be able to recognize the colors green and red by picking them out of the pictures when reading his books with the teacher.

            2. Short term objective: By November 29, Thomas will be able to recognize the colors red, green, and yellow by picking then off a chart and out of pictures when reading and participating in activities.

B. Affective Goal: By December, Thomas will be able to complete at least 4 out of the 6 tasks without saying “no” or laying on the ground and disrupting other lessons when in class.

            1. Short term objective: By November 8, Thomas will be able to complete 3 tasks with a little encouragement and apologize for interrupting another teacher when asked by the teacher.

            2. Short term objective: By November 29, Thomas will be able to complete 2 or 3 tasks without lying on the ground when asked by the teacher.

C. Psychomotor Goal: By December, Thomas will be able to jump off a gymnastics mat with both feet and land on both feet simultaneously 5 out of 10 times when asked by the teacher.

            1. Short term objective: By November 8, Thomas will be able to jump at least 5 consecutive times on the ground when following the teacher.

            2. Short term objective: By November 29, Thomas will be able to jump off the mat 3 out of 5 times when asked by the teacher.

D.  Fitness: By December, Thomas will be able to participate in consistent physical activity for at least 15 minutes when asked by the teacher.

            1.  Short term objective: By November 8, Thomas will be able to participate in 5 to 10 minutes of consistent physical activity when asked by the teacher.

            2.  Short term objective: By November 29, Thomas will be able to participate in 15 minutes of physical activity with one break when asked by the teacher.

4.       Health Considerations

I do not feel there are any health considerations when working with Thomas that would affect him meeting each of the objectives above. One safety concern that may be a problem for Thomas is that when he runs forward he is looking elsewhere; not where he is running.

5.       Behavioral Considerations

There aren’t really any behavior concerns I have with Thomas particularly because he is by himself, but he has a tendency to interrupt other teacher’s lessons. This is something that has improved because of explaining to him that it’s not okay. If he does knock down something or take something from another station; I ask him if what he did was right and he knows that what he did was wrong, so I make him fix what it is he has done.

6.       Teaching Strategies

In order for Thomas to have the most beneficial time, there are several components that I have to plan for in each lesson. First, the lesson must be structured so that he knows exactly what to expect every day. This includes me picking him up in the hallway and going to the class, then a circle activity in the beginning and end of class, and a reward system at the end of every lesson. Second, the transition from one task to another  must be done in a slower manner, so that Thomas doesn’t become to over whelmed and avoid an activity by sitting or lying on the ground. Third, Thomas can become distracted very easily, so the lesson must include the least amount of distractions as possible. This includes trying to avoid his parents or sisters coming in until near the end of the lesson; otherwise I will lose his attention completely and not be able to accomplish any of my activities.

7.       Evaluation Plan

I will determine if Thomas has learned what I had expected him to if he is able to improve his motor skills as well as be able to have more knowledge such as knowing some colors. These goals will allow me to observe and infer that learning has occurred because Thomas will have more developed movement patterns as well as a greater knowledge base than when he first began back in September. 

8.       Services to be Provided:

            Physical education instruction once each week at SUNY Cortland Adapted Physical         Education Lab for one semester beginning September 13, 2011 and ending on December                                  

           9, 2011.

9.       APE Placement Decision Model

          I feel that Thomas is completely capable of participating in a general physical education class. He is able to perform the appropriate physical developmental skills for his age and is able to follow directions when things are broken down and he is shown how to perform a skill. I also feel that if he is in a general physical education classroom and there is structure he will participate much more and be able to accomplish more because he is a very skilled mover and has the ability to achieve a lot.

Parent Letter

Student’s name: Thomas

Lab day and time: Tuesdays 6-7

Semester and year: Fall 2011

Date: November 29, 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian of Thomas,                                                                                          

My name is Amanda Griffin, and this semester at SUNY Cortland, I have had the pleasure of working with Thomas in Physical Education.  After creating Thomas’s Individualized Education Plan and determining his long term goals, the remainder of the semester was targeted towards making improvements. Thomas did show improvements in all areas; although some were stronger than others. 


A long-term goal for the affective domain was that Thomas would be able to complete at least 4 out of the 6 tasks without saying “no” or laying on the ground and disrupting other lessons when in class. At first, I noticed that Thomas would only complete part of a task or not do what I asked at all. He would also run and knock over other teacher’s areas or interrupt their lesson. Each week, I would set goals for how much I wanted Thomas to complete and how to avoid interrupting other lessons. Although there were still points in the lesson where Thomas would refuse to participate in activities, it was not as frequent anymore and he was able to get back on track. Because of all the distractions in the room, I tried to keep Thomas continually moving so that he didn’t become uninterested. At this point in the semester, Thomas is able to spend more than half of lab participating in an activity, whether it is what I have planned or something he wants to do and he does not interrupt other lessons.


In the cognitive domain, I spent a lot of time trying to get Thomas to recognize and be able to identify different colors.  The long term goal set for Thomas was that he would be able to recognize at least 3 different colors when using objects in each activity. Each week, I would pick a color that Thomas had to identify for me in his book when we read as well as the objects used for the activities. The primary colors I focused on were yellow, red, and green. Since Thomas was able to match colors, I would ask him what color a ball was before he put in on the matching poly spot or what color a car was in his book. I also used a color chart that had different colors. Although at this point in the semester Thomas is unable to recognize all the colors I thought he would; he can recognize red and yellow well and if you reinforce them he remembers more throughout the lesson.


In the psychomotor domain, Thomas performs the most, he loves to run and always be on the move. The main long term goal I focused on was having him be able to jump off a gymnastics mat with both feet and land on both feet simultaneously 5 out of 10 times. I started by having him just jump on the ground and reinforcing two feet. Then, I moved to jumping over small objects and finally to jumping off the mat. Thomas has been able to accomplish jumping off the mat with two feet, not the 5 out of 10 times, but it will definitely happen.    

Thank you for allowing me to work with your son.  It was a true pleasure!

Physical Education Philosphy

Physical Education Philosophy

            My physical education philosophy is centered on making all students actively involved in physical activity to childhood decrease the rate of obesity, creating lifetime fitness, and having success in all my students. Physical education requires meeting the needs of all students; athletes to obese students and making sure everyone is given equal opportunity to succeed. I plan to have positive things occur in the physical education setting that will transfer to physical activity outside of school.

            I want to ensure that all students are actively involved in physical activity in order to prevent childhood obesity and make children more active at a young age. I will structure every lesson to meet the needs of all my students and provide different opportunities in everything that we do. I will also make my lessons fun and interesting to the students. My goal is to have full participation by all of my students and to hopefully make a difference in several students’ lives.  I will portray the message of any physical activity is better than nothing to my students.

            Physical education has turned in the direction of providing lifetime fitness activities, which provide opportunities for physical activity outside of the gymnasium. I feel this is a great opportunity to show students that physical activity can be fun by doing things such as cross-fit training instead the old run laps and stretch to warm up. Lifetime fitness is a way in which I plan to help every student find something that they are successful at and can participate in. Developing lifetime fitness in physical education at a young age allows for more physically active high school students and even adults.

            Physical education is an area in which many students don’t participate because they don’t see success. I will not allow this to happen because everybody has something they are great at and everyone can also improve their physical activity. Not everyone is going to be a varsity athlete, but that doesn’t mean I can’t create a fun setting. I will create challenges and adaptations for every activity we do in order to include everyone and make everyone feel successful.

            Physical education provides students with the knowledge and ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout a lifetime and is the key to reducing childhood obesity.

Coaching Philosphy

Coaching Philosophy

                As an athlete, I have derived my own philosophy of what coaching consists of. My philosophy of coaching includes having the right mindset, the right qualities, and the right relationship with athletes. As a physical educator is clear that coaching is something completely different than teaching and that coaching will come second to my teaching, although I always want to see students become involved in after school activities of any kind.

            As a coach I need to ensure that I am there for the players. I feel that in order to be a successful coach I must choose a sport that I am fully competent in and will be able to provide the most success and knowledge. As a coach I must make sure that everyone is equal on the team and earns a chance to participate even though this can be difficult in certain sports. I also feel that being a coach requires one to not always want to win, but to see success in their team and individuals reach goals and achievements.

            The qualities that I feel make a successful coach are motivation, determination, and communication. As a coach, motivation and determination are what help push a team in the right direction and strive for success in every athlete. These qualities will allow me to work with any athlete until I find what they excel in, which is what makes everyone successful. Communication is one the most important aspects of coaching because I need to be able to not only talk about knowledge of the game, but any outside problems that may come up including grades or teammate problems. With these qualities I can find much success in all my athletes individually and as a team.

            Having the right relationship with my athletes includes gaining respect and trust, which will only occur if I show them respect and trust. This will be done by clearly stating that we are team and that everyone is equal and will receive the same treatment. I will also demonstrate trust and respect by treating everyone like an equal individual and letting my athletes know that I am always going support them and provide for success.

            As a coach, no matter what the situation, I will always demonstrate respect, motivation, and communication amongst all my players.

Teaching Philosphy


As I have gone through college, my philosophy on teaching has changed numerous times in terms of my reason for teaching, qualities of a teacher, and my involvement with student. My overall belief is in providing my students with the overall best education I can; the term education can be stated simply by saying it is the development of knowledge. This knowledge comes in many forms and is used to create independent individuals who can succeed in society in their futures. Every teacher has different thoughts and values on what education is truly comprised of, but I feel that it includes ensuring students are prepared for the world outside of the classroom, and that every individual is given equal opportunities, which are all done through a teacher with outstanding qualities.

The qualities a teacher possesses are unique because they include being compassionate, patient, leadership, content knowledge, and being influential. With all of these qualities a teacher can lead their students to be successful and achieve goals above what they expect. Being able to demonstrate leadership and compassion towards students will ensure in them that you are there for their success. The last important quality for a teacher to be successful is demonstrating to their students that they are organized and have the knowledge in their content area needed to provide success. All of these qualities will lead to trust and respect from students, which will allow for the best educational setting.

With every student having their own thoughts and values in life; the first objective I have as a teacher is to ensure that all students are given several opportunities to explore life and become more knowledgeable. This requires that my primary focus be not to teach students what I feel is important in life and my values and beliefs, but allow each student to figure out what is best for them.  By allowing students to explore different possibilities it will open the door to so many opportunities that are unique to each individual and every student will find what it is they are successful at. Every student deserves to be able to become more knowledgeable about their future and where they want to go in life. Eventually, all students will move on from the classroom and have to face society and the rest of life which can be overwhelming. Ensuring that all students are confident with their decisions, no matter what they are, and have the necessary knowledge to pursue them is my job as an educator.

Last, as a teacher I will face a variety of different students who all need different accommodations for success. As a teacher it is my job to ensure that everyone has success and feels welcome in society. This is where as a teacher compassion and patience are important factors because we have to work with every student to find out what they excel in and the right path for them in order to be successful. As a teacher in order to feel like my job is complete I have to make sure that every single student feels successful and that they have achieved more than what was imaginable.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Should athletes be held responsible for a mistake that the athletic director made?

Recently, I read an article in which a high school girls's soccer team in Buffalo was unable to compete in the end of the season sectional game as well as any other championship game because a mistake by the athletic director. According to the article these girls were the best in the section and possibly one of the best in New York, but had played one too many games throughout the regular season. This was a scheduling mistake that should have been caught by the athletic director who knew of this policy. These girls had played an entire season with no yellow cards and deserved every right to play in the championships, but are not going to be able to.

In a situation like this I don't feel the team should not be held accountable. They were not the reason they couldn't move on; the athletic director is. I feel that he should be held responsible, whether this be in put on a restriction or fired; he should owe these girls a whole lot for ruining their season because he scheduled too many games.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Big Parachutes and Little Toys That Teach

This past Friday, October 7, 2011 I attended the P.E Mini Conference along with many other SUNY Cortland students and faculty. The activity that I attended was all about parachute activitie and other activities that can be done with smaller toys. The presentation began with the parachute and the guy who was presenting demonstrated numerous games that reguqired students to run, dance, and/or just continually shake the parachute. Either way all of the activities presented a lot of physical activity and a lot of new ideas for me because I had never seen a lot of the activities. The second part of the presentation pertained to several different activities that involved many different pieces of equipment. With on piece of equipment he had us doing balancing activities, cardiovascular jumping activites, and fine motor activities with shaking the stick. Being able to do so many different things with one piece of equipment is extremely beneficial because it allows  you to use the same thing numerous time in your curriculum without doubling up topics all the time. The last item we played with were called bits, which are slices of pool noodles. These were very entertaining and could easily keep children occupied for several hours. Overall, the presentation was very informative and definitely gave me a lot of ideas for the future and when I begin to put all my lesson plans together during student teaching.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Working With Students of all Different Abilities

In today’s world we see more and more of a multicultural society both in and out of the school community. As a teacher, this requires that we are able to work with and adjust to teaching many different levels of learning from highly advanced students to students with disabilities. Being able to teach students of all different levels, especially special needs, can be very rewarding to an individual. There are a few helpful ways to go about working with the diverse students in a multicultural society, which include: establishing and frequently reviewing classroom rules and procedures, set fair and challenging expectations for all students, relate new material to previous lessons and the backgrounds and experiences, have high student engagement by using several instructional strategies, model skills and strategies as well as emphasize key points, monitor independent work and provide precise feedback, and include joy and success. All of these points can improve a classroom setting in order to make everyone successful as well as feel involved.

          Throughout the years several different laws and regulations have been created in order to meet the needs of all students, especially in special education. The federal law has established five critical principles of special education, which are zero reject, nondiscriminatory education, appropriate education, least-restrictive environment, and procedural due process. Zero reject is meant to ensure that no child with disabilities is denied a free, appropriate public education. Nondiscriminatory education is focused around the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, which mandates that children with disabilities are fairly assessed so they safe from inappropriate classification and tracking. Appropriate education further explains zero reject and says that children have the right to education that includes accurate diagnosis of their needs and responsive programs for each child’s specific needs. Least-restrictive environment ensures that students with disabilities are not segregated from their age-group peers. Procedural due process allows individuals to protest a school’s decision regarding their education. All of these principles allow for states to receive financial support and make a free and appropriate education for all children.  

          In society today technology is a part of everyday life for almost everyone, if not everyone. This however has its pros and cons when it comes to the realm of education. The benefits of assistive technology include wheelchairs, computer programs for assisting the blind, and switches that respond to voice commands. These devices are used in classrooms and at home in order to help students be able to be more efficient and successful in the school setting; they can also be modified to fit the needs of all different types of disabilities. On the other hand, there is the view which looks at the negative effects of all the modern technologies for students. The negative effects can hinder both those students with disabilities and those without. Some of the problems seen in the technology world occur when students are at home on the computer and include this such as: students joining hate groups, cyber bullying, watching inappropriate videos, and picking on specific stereotypes.